There are numbers that define how long we’ve lived. Numbers that tell us how big we’ve gotten whether you've gotten rounder or longer. Numbers that tell us how many people we’ve made a connection with; whether it be Facebook friends (not mattering if you know them or not) or family members (not mattering if you have a big family or not). But what does how many sexual partners say about a person?
For males the number game is really important, as they try to up and up their number. For most men having a high number promotes you from being lame to being awesome. So much so that men lie about the amount of women they sleep with to make themselves look better. The V card to boys is like a curse and it’d only be too soon when they gave it away. Men tutor other men on the ways to pick up “chicks” and “bag bitches” and get in her panties because to them its important of being a heterosexual man.
For females it goes differently the game is backward from that of the boys. Women want to be chaste and pure and virginal until they get married. And that definately works in theory but in practice they want to fuck just as much as any man. Women lie just as much as men about the amount of people they’ve had sex with but just the opposite of men. They’ll tell you they’ve only slept with 3 men because they think it sounds good but in actuality we know how much more easy it is for a woman to get laid, splayed, thrusted into and such.
What a paradox that men should have sex and women shouldn’t. IIf we really followed that rule.. then who are the men having sex with if they think that women should not be having sex? It’s commonly said that men want to “marry the Madonna and sleep with the whore” but if women and men both want to have sex then shouldn’t they? Why would marrying a virgin give you any more or less satisfaction? Most men don't know the difference between having sex with a woman that attained 4 men or 8 men. What I really believe is love is love, so my question is what is the point with counting? Competition for chastity for women is absurd as anyone can tell you women like sex just as much as men and shouldn’t be told not to have it and competition for the title of “pimp” is ridiculous as it connotes that sex as it is means nothing except for the talk afterward with your buddies, in which case you might as well lie about the amount of girls you’ve slept with and not waste your time actually having the sex. Really what I’m tryna say is that numbers aren’t so much important but what is important is safety. We should all know the rules when it comes to sex but unfortunately we all don’t. We know to wear a condom regardless of if we do or not and we all know to have birth control if we don’t want to have children. STD’s are not anything you want nor anything you need so protect against them and this we know as well. We've been beaten ofver the head with all that information but we also need to have metal protection. Don’t have sex if you aren’t ready. Don’t have sex if you have a doubt about it. Don’t have sex to please someone else nor to up your number because sex with no purpose, with someone you could care less about, brings nothing to your life but another number.
Give me your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
Ciao friends,
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