There are numbers that define how long we’ve lived. Numbers that tell us how big we’ve gotten whether you've gotten rounder or longer. Numbers that tell us how many people we’ve made a connection with; whether it be Facebook friends (not mattering if you know them or not) or family members (not mattering if you have a big family or not). But what does how many sexual partners say about a person?
For males the number game is really important, as they try to up and up their number. For most men having a high number promotes you from being lame to being awesome. So much so that men lie about the amount of women they sleep with to make themselves look better. The V card to boys is like a curse and it’d only be too soon when they gave it away. Men tutor other men on the ways to pick up “chicks” and “bag bitches” and get in her panties because to them its important of being a heterosexual man.
For females it goes differently the game is backward from that of the boys. Women want to be chaste and pure and virginal until they get married. And that definately works in theory but in practice they want to fuck just as much as any man. Women lie just as much as men about the amount of people they’ve had sex with but just the opposite of men. They’ll tell you they’ve only slept with 3 men because they think it sounds good but in actuality we know how much more easy it is for a woman to get laid, splayed, thrusted into and such.
What a paradox that men should have sex and women shouldn’t. IIf we really followed that rule.. then who are the men having sex with if they think that women should not be having sex? It’s commonly said that men want to “marry the Madonna and sleep with the whore” but if women and men both want to have sex then shouldn’t they? Why would marrying a virgin give you any more or less satisfaction? Most men don't know the difference between having sex with a woman that attained 4 men or 8 men. What I really believe is love is love, so my question is what is the point with counting? Competition for chastity for women is absurd as anyone can tell you women like sex just as much as men and shouldn’t be told not to have it and competition for the title of “pimp” is ridiculous as it connotes that sex as it is means nothing except for the talk afterward with your buddies, in which case you might as well lie about the amount of girls you’ve slept with and not waste your time actually having the sex. Really what I’m tryna say is that numbers aren’t so much important but what is important is safety. We should all know the rules when it comes to sex but unfortunately we all don’t. We know to wear a condom regardless of if we do or not and we all know to have birth control if we don’t want to have children. STD’s are not anything you want nor anything you need so protect against them and this we know as well. We've been beaten ofver the head with all that information but we also need to have metal protection. Don’t have sex if you aren’t ready. Don’t have sex if you have a doubt about it. Don’t have sex to please someone else nor to up your number because sex with no purpose, with someone you could care less about, brings nothing to your life but another number.
Give me your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.
Ciao friends,

October 2, 2011
September 28, 2011
Women come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are tall, short, thick, slim, or heavy. Some have large breasts while others have small or medium size breasts. The question is, does it really matter if you wear a 34A or a 34C? Coming from someone with a B cup, on a good day, ABSOLUTELY! I suppose under a some circumstances smaller breasts are slightly more convenient than large breasts. Sports and exercising are a great example of good use for small breasts. They stay put and you don’t have to worry about boobs flying everywhere or causing back problems. Now, lets take a look at the negative side of small breasts. Say you want to wear a tube top, or a shirt that accentuates your breasts a little. Now you can do this if you want, but your boobs will look like a pancake. The only accentuation that will be had is the fact that you have little to no boobs.
Girls should always be confident no matter how you may look. But if you feel as though you need to make changes to your body, do it. It is your life and your body. If getting a boob job is what you want, go for it. Most importantly, remember do it for YOU and no one else. I would love to know your thoughts!
Until next time,
Now lets discuss how boys may view this issue. A man is more likely to salivate over a woman with large breasts. This is especially true when they are around their friends. Of course, breast size matters with a group of testosterone packed men but to make themselves seem as though they are better men they pretend not to notice what the size of breasts are. This is why a lot of girls with smaller boobs are very insecure, whether they want to admit it or not. It's as if guys are conditioned to say "it doesn’t matter and I like you just the way you are." Yet, this doesn’t change the fact that she is insecure about her body. She may not believe that it doesn't matter to you, when you are staring at a girl on tvs massive tits or idolizing a woman with large hooters. Let's remember folks that they didn't make the restaurant Hooters for women with little boobs.
Let’s say your man is kissing all over your body and slowly makes is way down... to that other set of lips., if you know what I mean. As he is working his magic down there his hands creep up to grab your tits. In the back of your mind you may be thinking, what the hell is he grabbing on?! There is hardly anything there. For some it may be somewhat awkward. I guess if the guy says it doesn’t bother him then it should not be that big of a deal, but unfortunately it is.
September 25, 2011
How Embarrasing?
Remember the first time you queefed? Okay maybe not. Maybe some of you just aren’t sure what a queef is. According to a queef is “an expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus.” Essentially, a queef is your vagina farting [during sex]. Understand me now? Talk about embarrassing. Imagine being in the middle of sex when all of a sudden this loud noise comes out of your twat and you don’t know how to stop it!
Maybe your experience was something like... freaking the hell out so much that you’re so traumatized that the only thing you remember is being on the verge of tears, babbling something about not doing it on purpose and not knowing how to stop or why it was happening. Or maybe your experience was more like… lying there, you queef, and then you blurt out “I didn’t fart.” Either way, neither of these situations is ideal.
So… what can you do? Nothing! You can’t help it. Just let it be free and enjoy the sex because it probably means that he’s putting in work and doing a good job at it ;).
If you’re wondering how my first experience turned out? Well here’s a little hint; don’t freak out! Freaking out might actually prove more embarrassing than the actual queef.
Want to share your own experience?? Let us know!
September 21, 2011
Is Your Spouse Cheating?
You suddenly get a strange feeling in your stomach. It feels as if you ate a rancid piece of food and every couple of minutes your body urges your stomach muscles to twist and turn in agony. You turn to look at your spouse and while he/she smiles at you with glistening teeth, you suffer in anguish knowing, better yet feeling, that they are guilty of cheating. There is nothing worse than suspecting that your spouse is cheating on you and knowing that they either don't care if you know or not, or they think they are incapable of being caught. If your intuition is screaming that your spouse is guilty of cheating, then it is most likely correct. However, if you want to be absolutely certain if they are cheating without falsely accusing them without any evidence, here are several options for you:
Option 1: Hire a private investigator.
There is nothing better than seeking professional help. They are trained to do this.
Option 2: Know your spouse.
There comes a point in a relationship where you become familiar with your partners habits and behavioral patterns. If things start to change without there being a dramatic incident in the persons' life, such as a death in the family or trouble at work, then you must start paying more attention. If your spouse starts suddenly working out and doing things in the bedroom that they have never done before then you need to start paying a little more attention. This doesn't mean that you need to start checking their every move or tracking the amount of times they text and/or call someone. This means that you need to start taking notice of new or changed behaviors, such as putting a lock on their phone, or coming home later than usual everyday from work. If all of these things sound familiar, then your baby is cheating on you.
Option 3: Sex
If you suddenly have less and less sex, and every night you hear, "Maybe tomorrow" or "Honey I'm tired" or something else equally as lame, then your spouse has received some loving from someone else and doesn't want your goods anymore. Everyone (for the most part) loves sex; therefore if your spouse doesn't want to have sex with you, then they are simply no attracted to you anymore or has found someone else.
Conclusion: If you are reading this and are experiencing the pains of being cheated on my advice is to say "the hell with that person" and move on. Remaining in a relationship with a cheater is not good for you. Emotionally it is not good for your self-esteem and physically messing with a cheater may leave you with a curable or incurable sexually transmitted disease. Not having sex or relationships with cheaters is the best type of health insurance.
Hope this helps
September 12, 2011
The Hole Story.
Mistakes are easy to come by. Picture this:
The atmosphere is romantic, the mood is passionate, the air is riddled with good tension between you and your guy. Stress relief seems right on the cusp. Slowly but surely foreplay enters the night and your guy seems to have it all correct. Somehow he knows exactly what turns you on and you figure you should hang on to him because this type of good fortune is rare. Bite your tongue, you don't want to jinx it.
You're body is prickling with anticipation. You want to do it, everything in your body says you should, and as soon as you think it, everything begins. He's in, he's comfortable, he's assertive but not overly so, he's doing what you want without him telling you to and everything is......
OH NO it slipped out, no big deal you think, he'll just slip it back in ....... but wait a minute thats not where it was before as your butt feels a certain unwelcome pressure. You softly say "Wrong hole" thinking it was just a mistake. He looks at you a little embarrassed and slips it back in what you think is the appropriate place. The night goes on and you forget about the little accident but as time progresses through your relationship (whatever it may be) this little accident persists.
Now he could be one of these three things... 1. he could be just a big butter penis and not have very much coordination. 2. he really might not have the faintest idea of the placement of a woman's genitalia or 3. he just really wants to push his limits and see if you'll let him stick it up your butt...
And this is where we wanna focus; learning a woman's body or not having coordination is easily fixable but trying to stick an unwelcome member up a butt needs a little more communication. This is probably an uncomfortable conversation to have with a guy but it must be said whether you are okay with the idea or not. This passive aggressive thing that he's doing by trying to slowly warm you up to the idea instead of asking is just, plain and simple not acceptable. I say you confront him to know for sure what's really going down. But consider this if he actually cared for you at all, in the first place he would've felt comfortable enough to tell you about this fantasy he has or trusted you with the ideas he has or wanted to try to spice up his sex life. That's how I see it but as the reader you may think something else... Tell me your comments, or shoot me an email at Thanks for Reading.
The atmosphere is romantic, the mood is passionate, the air is riddled with good tension between you and your guy. Stress relief seems right on the cusp. Slowly but surely foreplay enters the night and your guy seems to have it all correct. Somehow he knows exactly what turns you on and you figure you should hang on to him because this type of good fortune is rare. Bite your tongue, you don't want to jinx it.
You're body is prickling with anticipation. You want to do it, everything in your body says you should, and as soon as you think it, everything begins. He's in, he's comfortable, he's assertive but not overly so, he's doing what you want without him telling you to and everything is......
OH NO it slipped out, no big deal you think, he'll just slip it back in ....... but wait a minute thats not where it was before as your butt feels a certain unwelcome pressure. You softly say "Wrong hole" thinking it was just a mistake. He looks at you a little embarrassed and slips it back in what you think is the appropriate place. The night goes on and you forget about the little accident but as time progresses through your relationship (whatever it may be) this little accident persists.
Now he could be one of these three things... 1. he could be just a big butter penis and not have very much coordination. 2. he really might not have the faintest idea of the placement of a woman's genitalia or 3. he just really wants to push his limits and see if you'll let him stick it up your butt...
And this is where we wanna focus; learning a woman's body or not having coordination is easily fixable but trying to stick an unwelcome member up a butt needs a little more communication. This is probably an uncomfortable conversation to have with a guy but it must be said whether you are okay with the idea or not. This passive aggressive thing that he's doing by trying to slowly warm you up to the idea instead of asking is just, plain and simple not acceptable. I say you confront him to know for sure what's really going down. But consider this if he actually cared for you at all, in the first place he would've felt comfortable enough to tell you about this fantasy he has or trusted you with the ideas he has or wanted to try to spice up his sex life. That's how I see it but as the reader you may think something else... Tell me your comments, or shoot me an email at Thanks for Reading.
September 10, 2011
Don't Play Games,We're All Grown Here!
It's quite simple. Either you want to fuck or you don’t. After a certain age the games should come to an end. Girls tend to say “Oh no I’m not doing anything until at least the third or fourth date.” If you already know in the back of your head you want to have sex, why not just go ahead and do it. You may as well get those nervous jitters out of way and get to it!
Example 1
Don’t you hate when you go over a guy’s house and he is like, “sooo do you wanna pop in a movie?” You know good and well that means it is time to fuck. About five minutes into the movie he is going to be stroking that thing all up in you. Please don’t act like this is new news, because I am sure it isn’t!
Example 2
Or how about when you are lying in bed just to “cuddle.” All of a sudden you feel this hard dick on your back and he is slowly trying to make his way down your panties and whispering nasty things in your ear. Instead why cant you just say turn over, lets fuck. Just get straight to the point. It is not that difficult ladies and gentlemen!
Tell me how you feel.
It's ya girl
Example 1
Don’t you hate when you go over a guy’s house and he is like, “sooo do you wanna pop in a movie?” You know good and well that means it is time to fuck. About five minutes into the movie he is going to be stroking that thing all up in you. Please don’t act like this is new news, because I am sure it isn’t!
Example 2
Or how about when you are lying in bed just to “cuddle.” All of a sudden you feel this hard dick on your back and he is slowly trying to make his way down your panties and whispering nasty things in your ear. Instead why cant you just say turn over, lets fuck. Just get straight to the point. It is not that difficult ladies and gentlemen!
September 5, 2011
The Virginity Issue: when should you lose it?
This is something that most women deal with at one point in their lives, usually around puberty. Once your sexual curiosity peaks; questions pop up in one’s mind like: should I wait until marriage? Should I wait for true love? What will people think if I lose it to someone I’m not in a relationship with?
I’m not an expert, so I’ll just state my opinion: there is no clear cut answer. The proper time to lose your virginity is when you feel that you are ready. This is different for each woman. I have friends who lost their virginity as young as 14 and then you have me, who didn’t lose it until the age of 20. Losing my virginity wasn't with someone I loved, was in a relationship with, or in the most romantic of ways with. Yet I'm telling you just know that whatever you choose to do, it’s because you feel it’s right.
Some things that you should keep in mind are that:
(1) Not every guy that says he loves you really means it. Try not to fall victim to the seldom guy that claims he loves you, make sure he really means it. If you feel that he’s just saying it to get into your pants, he most likely is. Go with your gut.
(2) Don’t feel obligated to sleep with someone to keep him. If that’s the case, he isn’t worth you, your time, or access to your treasure cove.
(3) And, above all, always remember that when you do have sex protect yourself. If you have any question, feel free to ask.
And as far as what people think… who cares? This decision is about you.
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